Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Healthy Lifestyle

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to understand what really motivates you. Once you’ve felt the initial excitement of losing the first few pounds, you must find a way to turn that enthusiasm into the willpower to stick with your eating plan. You will encounter both ups and downs as you learn to maintain your weight. To help you through the downs, you need coping strategies. Think about what you really want to achieve. That desire will help you turn your eating and exercise strategies into a lifestyle that leads to lifelong weight control.

  • What gives you the strength to resist temptation? Can you form new habits that you can live with forever? What are the rewards of weight loss for you? How much do you want those rewards?
  • Losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is a realistic goal. Don’t burden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Talk with your healthcare professional to determine a healthy goal weight.
  • To maintain your weight, you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn. Just the difference of one 12-ounce soda (150 calories) versus at least 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days can add or subtract about 10 pounds to your weight each year!
  • Strap on a pedometer and find out how many steps you take each day. Gradually add just 250 steps per day averaged out over the week. That will give you a good start on a healthy routine of physical activity. Most sedentary adults take only 2,500 to 3,500 steps a day. Aim to add between 4,000 to 6,000 to whatever you are doing now, for a total of 10,000 or more each day. The more steps you take, the better.
  • Start your food control at the grocery shop. Shop on a full stomach, use a list, read the labels on every food you buy, and skip any food that is not part of your chosen eating plan.
  • As you plan your eating and activity strategies, keep records. What types of foods are you eating? How do the calories add up? How much are you moving? As you lose weight, record what works for you and what doesn't. Review your notes so you can change strategies if needed.
  • Don’t get on the scales every day. Once a week is fine. Try measuring inches lost instead of pounds.
  • Plan your meals, plan for ups and downs, plan for holidays and plan to feel great when you’ve made health a daily habit. If you can do what’s right 75 percent of the time, you’re going to succeed in the long run!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Child abduction

The internet has become both a danger and an aid in the subject of child abduction. It is a place where online predators have more opportunities to find and communicate with potential victims. 1 in 25 youth (about 4%) got "aggressive" sexual solicitations and that included attempts to contact the youth offline. These are the episodes most likely to result in actual victimizations. (About one-quarter of these aggressive solicitations came from people the youth knew in person, mostly other youth.)Because of the threat these predators pose, there have also been efforts to use the internet as a resource to prevent child abduction or to help the families of those who have been abducted.Organizations have set up websites where users can go to gain knowledge or contribute help to stopping child abduction. Among these are the organizations Enough is Enough and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which have partnered with the online community myspace to help keep the internet a safe place for children. In addition to donating new database technology to Sentinel Tech that enables websites to locate, remove and block convicted sex offenders, Myspace is also a sponsor of Enough Is Enough 's Internet Safety 101:Empowering Parents Program.Myspace also features pages and groups dedicated to helping find missing children.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

my favourite past time

            Life is like wheel. Sometime up and sometime down. Everything is happen in your life can also call a moment. I’m also has a my favourite past time.

            My favourite past time is 12 years ago. When i got a little brother. I feel so happy because i’m not alone anymore and has a friend at home because before this only i at home with my mother and my father. My little brother name is Afif and now he is 12 years old, he is a handsome boy and so cute me and my family call him ‘adik’ because he only a little one sibling i had. I come from a small family it only my father and my mother and me and my little brother. Everyone at home pampered to him.

            Everything we make together and also can share our problem to each other. My father and my mother fair with me and my little brother. When i know my mom is pregnant i’m a one person feel so very happy no word can describe how i feel at that time. I’m so interested to got a little baby.

            I love my brother too much and i promise with myself to take care my brother as well as i can. That is my favourite past time when i got a little brother in my life.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Causes of landslides

The causes of landslides' are usually related to instabilities in slopes. It

is usually possible to identify one or more landslide causes and one landslide trigger.
The difference between these two concepts is subtle but important. The
landslide causes are the reasons that a landslide occurred in that location and
at that time. Landslide causes are listed in the following table, and include geological factors, morphological factors, physical factors and factors
associated with human activity.
Causes may be considered to be factors that made the slope vulnerable to failure, that

predispose the slope to becoming unstable. The trigger is the single event that finally initiated the landslide. Thus, causes combine to make a slope vulnerable to failure, and the trigger finally initiates the movement. Landslides can have many causes but can only have one trigger as shown in the next figure. Usually, it is relatively easy to determine the trigger after the landslide has occurred (although it is generally very difficult to determine the exact nature of landslide triggers ahead of a movement event).


Thursday, January 8, 2009

wlcme 2 my blog.
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